Title: im the martyr of ur love By: martyr of love Im the martyr of ur love, ur life, ur soul, ur heart.. and ur

Title: Air Mata From: “NOVA_F.WULAN” Gunung membawa abu Abu nenbawa batu Batu membawa lindu Lindu membawa longsor Longsor membawa banjir Banjir membawa air Air mata…

Title: Akhir From: Rizky Anggreini Lelah……. itu yang kurasakan saat ini, hingga ku seolah mati rasa, hanya hambar yang kurasa saat mengingat mu…. Inilah titik

even the angel jealous to us we’re life for death the sun rip his light for us the night walk through our breathe this feelin….

Title: An Entrapment By: Anthony Kolos My love, I have tried with all my being to grasp a form comparable to thine own, but nothing